Did you know California grows 60% of all peaches grown in the United States? This equals to four hundred thousand tons produced right here locally.
Everyone knows the only way to know distinguish the difference between a peach and a nectarine is the fuzzy skin, right? But do you know the difference between a white peach or white yellow peach? The white flesh varieties typically are very sweet with little acidity, while the white yellow fleshed peaches have more of an acidic tang coupled with sweetness.
Peaches are rich in many vitamins and minerals including Chlorogenic acid. The skin of the peach is high in fiber and antioxidants, so eat the whole peach to get the greatest potential health benefits.
Add those whole peaches to your breakfast oatmeal, top off your pancakes, or in your smoothie.
For a snack throughout your day. Add them to a salad for lunch or in a soup. Try wrapping peaches in bacon, grill slices on the BBQ and for dessert add them in a peach cobbler.
I hope you’re as excited to see peaches as we are. Summer is almost here and these fruits are starting to trickle in our markets. Mizuno Family Farms, Kens Top Notch and Espinosa Farm have all started bringing them to our Farmers’ Markets.